The HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E78325dn (8GS26A) offers a wide variety of safety and environmental features. The printing system fulfils a multitude of requirements of the ‘HP Design for Environment’ programme as well as of the following eco criteria:
- Energy: meets criteria of Energy Star® | The power consumption of a device depends on its features and use.
- Emissions: low emissions in accordance with DE-UZ 219; contribution to indoor air concentrations far below relevant international standards (German AGW, Europ. BOELV, US PEL).
- Noise: low noise emissions in accordance with DE-UZ 219.
- Paper use: suited for the use of recycled paper acc. to EN 12281; paper-saving option with duplex printing.
- Return and recycling: free return and recycling of original HP toner cartridges via the ‘HP Planet Partners Programme’.
- Longevity: availability of exchange and spare parts for at least five years after end of production.