Diagnostic Sleep Services

We have experienced and dedicated staff in transcribing research, HR and Focus Group interviews for several public hospitals, universities, Ph. D thesis and memoirs.
contact us for price

Our Sleep Scoring service is an additional service we offer clients apart from our transcription service to specialist physicians.

We offer accurate sleep study scoring services to support your sleep diagnostic program. Our registered technologists will follow your scoring standards, protocols, procedures and assimilate the same accuracy for the studies delivered to your lab. Finished studies are transferred to our secure server for download.

Benefits of our scoring service:

  • Experienced RPSGT certified technicians scoring the studies.
  • Guaranteed 24-48 hour turnaround on sleep study reports.
  • Epoch by Epoch, Manual scoring of all sleep records.
  • Guaranteed cost savings.
  • Follow Rechtschaffen & Kales (R&K), the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT), and revised American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) guidelines.
  • Emergency and last minute scoring of any type of sleep study.
  • Accurate interpretation.
  • Secure FTP servers to transfer your studies online.
  • 7 day service availability.
  • Pay per study.

Sleep study services we offer:

Adult scoring

  • Full night- and split-night polysomnograms (PSGs).
  • Continuous and bilevel positive airway pressure titrations (CPAP) and (bi-level)
  • Over night monitoring of sleep patient.
  • Multiple sleep latency tests (MSLTs).
  • Maintenance of wakefulness tests (MWTs).
  • Extended EEGs




Paediatric scoring

We score infant and paediatric data which is vastly more complex than adult data.

Highly experienced paediatric scoring technicians.

Contact us now for more information!