10 hours, self-paced
$1450 (NOW ONLY $725!)
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We have created a series of short courses to teach you everything you need to know about medical billing and Australia’s health system.
What the courses cover
Medicare and medical billing can be a complicated and frustrating area to get your head around, so we have designed the essentials pack courses to give you much more than the basics, but not so much that you lose interest.
There is nothing like the essentials pack courses anywhere in Australia. This is a first!
What you will not find in any of our medical billing courses is ways to maximise Medicare, or ‘pack and stack’ item numbers, both of which are inconsistent with the spirit and design of Medicare’s honour based billing system.
These courses are the first in Australia to present law, facts and evidence and have been designed to help make your understanding and comprehension of medical billing feel effortless.
Medicare is widely regarded as one of the best health systems in the world and if you are interested in preserving it for the generations of doctors following behind you, these courses will start you on a path to good medical billing practice.
The Medical Billing Essentials Pack consists of the following short courses:
How the courses are conducted
The courses have been designed to be completely independent and self-paced meaning there is no need for intervention from a trainer.
Quizzes, short Q&A and MCQ throughout.
You are allowed to go back and forth in the courses and re-do quizzes multiple times
Margaret Faux
Margaret Faux is a Lawyer who specialises in Medicare and Health Insurance Law. She is also a Registered Nurse and has been involved in medical billing for over 30 years. Margaret is the Founder and CEO of an international medical administration company, Synapse Medical Services, which operates one of the largest medical billing services in Australia. She is a published PhD researcher on the topic of Medicare claiming and compliance and is completing her doctorate at the University of Technology. Margaret’s company works in multiple health systems around the world including having been appointed by a Government body in India to advise on a project mapping the legal framework of India’s health system. Margaret is a regular presenter on the topic of Medicare claiming and compliance and the operation of health financing systems, has made numerous appearances on radio to discuss Medicare issues, and is regularly asked to comment in relation to Australian health sector reform. She also contributes regularly to medical media including contributing to Australian Doctor and Medical Observer as well as being a regular contributor to the Croakey Health Blog. Margaret is also a guest lecturer at the University of Technology, Sydney, in the Faculty of Health and her publications are available at this link https://synapsemedical.com.au/news/category/latest-news/